Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Just a little hello (and an update)❤

     Hey guys! So as you know I started up school Thursday and it's been okay...yep just okay. What about you? Hopefully it's been good! Anyway I haven't posted in a week, A WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK, oh my gosh guys I'm so sorry I guess I got a little caught up in the first few days of school I totally forgot but I promise I'll post more often(: I've also been hoping to gain some more followers so if anyone ( who even bothers to read this) knows someone they think would enjoy my blog please suggest it to them, I would appreciate it a lot!
  Guys, guess what?!?! I don't know about you but I love nail art! I'm like totally obsessed! So.... I was thinking about posting some tutorials or pictures of designs I did right here on my blog too, as well as other DIYS! Comment below and tell me what you think of this idea, thank you so much!


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Cute shoe DIYS❤  

         This is a totally cute, and easy DIYS idea. All you need is some colorful sharpies, plain white canvas shoes (which you can purchase at places like Walmart). There's a bunch of awesome ideas online if your not sure what to do. I suggest first drawing it out with pencil before you start, that way you aren't as likely to make a mistake. Above is a photo of the design I did, now I can wait to make another pair! Please comment below and tell me what you think I would really appreciate it!
       Just a note- Oh my gosh school starts Thursday and I don't think I'm ready, oh what am I kidding I'm definitely 110% not even close to ready! SUMMER COME BACK, I NEED YOU!!! >.<

Livie ❤

Monday, September 1, 2014

Adorable DIYS hair bows!

What you will need-
-Fabric of your choice
-Plain barrettes of your choice
-Hot glue gun  

Step #1-

Chose the fabric you would like to use for this project. As you can see I chose this cute purple floral print. This fabric is pretty thin so I folded it over twice but if you have a thicker fabric you may only need to fold it once.

Step #2-

Okay, so you are going to want to cut off all of the excess material including some from the side of the folded fabric.

Step #3-

Fold your strip of fabric into the middle from both sides with one side overlapping. Then take out your hot glue gun and glue onto the piece that the other side of the fabric is overlapping as the picture shows above.

Step #4-

Turn your fabric over and pinch it in the middle so it creates and bow like shape.

Step #5-

When you have your bow in you hand like this your going to take out you hot glue gun and carefully glue in between the folds of you bow on both sides.

Step #6-

Now that you have your bow like shape you going to want to cut another piece of fabric about the same size as shown above in the picture but you may adjust it depending how big or small you are making your bow.

Step #7-

Now your going to want to glue your strip of fabric so it doesn't fray. I folded both sides into the middle and hot glue gunned it.

Step #8-

Take the strip of fabric, dab some glue starting at the back, wrap around the bow and glue again. Cut your fabric if you need to. Your bow should now look something like the picture above.

Step #9-

Now, dab some glue on the back of the bow and apply your hair clip as shown in the picture.

Bows Bows Bows!-

Now you can make as many as you want, one for every outfit even. (;  Their super cute and make great gifts! Remember if it didn't turn out how you wanted this time, keep trying, trust me you will eventually get it.
I was inspired to do this because of Bethany Mota, here's the link to her video: I hope you liked this post, comment below what you think. Thank you guys so much!

Livie ❤

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Simple Back To School DIYS!

So as you all already know school is starting up again real soon and for some of you it may have already started! I don't know about you but I still wish we had a few more weeks of summer left, but sadly we really don't and there's no way to make that happen so we might as well make the best of school right? Anyway I came up with a cute DIYS idea to decorate boring school supplies. You might already be able to tell what I did from the photo but I will go over it anyway. 

What you will need- Pencils, I used TEKwriter mechanical ones from Costco but you can use whatever you would like. Erasers, I used HI-POLYMER by pentel from Fred-meyers which have little cardboard covers, perfect to decorate. And most importantly you will need Duck tape And Washi Tape (which is Japanese) You can get them online or at any craft store.

Step #1- GO CRAZY! you can decorate them however you would like. Any color and design! As you can see I only did the tops of the pencils but you can do the entire thing if you want(;

That's it really, I know it's pretty simple but I thought it was a cute way to spice up boring school supplies. You can do as many things as you want, folders, pens, highlighters, pencil cases, binders, etc.  I hope you enjoy this post. I'll post more ideas soon!

